
Our Journeys

Hear from families who are now enjoying peaceful nights thanks to Noah’s Nighttimes ♥️

Feeling like a completely new person after working with the brilliant Cat.
A mutual friend recommended Cat to me after a desperate plea for help with my 10 month old who wouldn’t sleep through the night. Straight away she made me feel at ease and capable of achieving our sleep goals. She was patient, informative and always on hand for help day and night. Our personal sleep plan fitted in with what I felt comfortable with and after only a couple of nights Delilah was sleeping better than she’d ever slept and now sleeps through the night, by herself in her cot after co sleeping with me for 10 months.
I would highly recommend this lovely lady to anyone who is struggling with sleepless nights.
Thank you again

Sarah M

I can’t begin to express my gratitude to Cat for helping me and my daughter Elaya.
To give a bit of background context, Elaya and I had co-slept since she was practically a newborn and she was breastfed on demand.
I used to hear other mums with babies of a similar age, talking about how badly their child was sleeping and usually their worst nights were my BEST nights of sleep with Elaya.
As a baby she woke loads and she continued waking me lots even after she turned 2.
As much as I loved having her in the bed with me, I began to resent it too and was totally and utterly exhausted. I started to feel touched out and irritated with Elaya that she wouldn’t just sleep.
Elaya has always been super clingy and attached to me, she basically went to bed when I went to bed and woke up when I did. I had almost no time away from her.
With Cats help, Elaya went from that to sleeping totally independently in her own bedroom. Not only that, but she knows her routine so well that she knows what we are doing next and sometimes rushes me reading her books so that she can go to bed!
She says ‘night night, love you’ very happily as I leave the room and she is totally and utterly secure.
I was always worried that Elaya would be frightened by sleeping away from me, but she is so happy in her bed now.
Elaya is SO proud in the morning, when the Gro Clock has turned yellow, to shout through to me. She starts each day feeling proud of herself and I love scooping her up and having special morning cuddles on the sofa.
My family told me that they felt sorry for Cat when I had explained she was going to be our sleep consultant. Elaya was an exceptionally tricky one to crack, but she did it!
If Cat can help Elaya to sleep like this, then I have all the confidence in the world that she can help any other baby or toddler to sleep.
Thank you Cat, what a wonderful gift you have given to Elaya and me, the gift of sleep. Xxx

Eleanor B

After 19 months of not a single full nights sleep, and our daughters wake ups getting more and more frequent, we knew we needed some extra help to try and save our sanity and improve our family-life.
I saw Noah’s Nighttime’s recommended in a community Facebook group, so in the early hours of a desperate night I reached out for help.
From the minute I spoke to Cat, I knew we’d made the right decision. She instantly made us feel so much better, with her reassurance, advice and guidance and put us together a 2-week sleep plan that went at a pace we were comfortable with and didn’t cause us or our daughter any unnecessary distress or upset.
We went from rocking our daughter to sleep, multiple wake ups in the night and one of us having to sleep with her every night, to her now settling herself off to sleep and in her own bed for 12 hours a night!
Our only regret is that we wish we’d got in touch with Cat earlier – she is Wonder Woman!!

Sarah P

I was struggling with our 3rd baby who after some very disrupted weeks (due to family illness) at age 6 months would only sleep in the buggy or in my arms. I wasn’t ready for any sleep training, but Cat was able to give me some really simple pointers that I could implement straight away. Within a week and with very few tears, our little boy was falling asleep in his cot within 10 minutes and I got my evenings back! Would absolutely recommend and will no doubt ask for help again in the future should we need it. Thank you Cat! X

Madri M

Our little boy has always been a terrible sleeper we’ve tried various methods which have all eventually stopped working. After getting into particularly bad habits and baby number 2 due we decided we needed help.
Cat was amazing at getting in touch and we had an initial call to discuss our concerns and make sure we were a good fit. We signed up immediately and a couple of days later Cat had our plan ready to go. We went for the 3 week option with support via call or WhatsApp 7am to 11pm this was really crucial as we needed the support with our stubborn boy! We found a great method that suited him and when he took to it really well Cat even let us hold a week of support for when we needed it.
I would highly recommend! Thank you Cat for always being so supportive and patient!

Amy L

After over 3 years of being woken several times a night we are finally getting a full nights sleep.
Thank you so much Cat for all your help, you were so supportive, understanding and knowledgable.
I wish we had found you sooner!

Ali C

Ali C

We cannot thank Cat enough for the help she has given us – she has completely changed our lives. Our son is almost 18 months and until 4 weeks ago he woke every 2-3 hours (had only slept longer than that a handful of times), we spent part of the night holding him whilst sat in a rocking chair and then he came in with me for half of the night. We were so fed up and didn’t know when it was going to improve. Fast forward 4 weeks and he now spends all night in his own room and mostly sleeps through the night or if he wakes rarely require any intervention from us to get back to sleep. I was apprehensive about ‘sleep training’ but Cat ensured we worked at a pace we were comfortable with and if we needed to slow down she was incredibly supportive.
Thank you for changing our lives Cat!

Jenni W

Cat is amazing. There are not enough words to explain how grateful we are for all of Cat’s help. We now have a very happy little boy who is sleeping 13hrs a night and managing to settle himself.
A little bit of insight….
Our little one would never sleep throughout the night, cry out a lot, only fall asleep to his bottle, wake for hours on end during the night and constantly wanted to be held.
Now, with a new routine put in place by Cat, he sleeps solidly, doesn’t need our help to settle, goes to bed easily, only takes 5-10mins to drop off to sleep and doesn’t need us throughout the night.
Even to the extent that he is very keen to get into his bed before his new bedtime routine has finished!
We used to fight with him to get him to sleep and some nights this would be as late as 10pm. Now we finally have the evenings back and manage to have some time to ourself, knowing our little one is happy and settled in his new routine.
Cat was so patient, helpful and always on hand if we needed anything.
We highly recommend Cat and would definitely advise anyone suffering with sleep deprivation to head Cat’s way.
Thank you so so much. We are forever grateful 💕 xx

Katie L

We can finally enjoy bedtime and our sleep!
It took us a year of constant wake ups, no sleep and bad backs from the bed thief to realise that this wasn’t the routine we wanted and that we needed help.
Then along came Cat – she worked a miracle!
Cat worked with us to find the perfect routine that we were comfortable with. Ensuring our little one was getting enough sleep and had the consistency she needed. She now loves the bedtime routine and is calm and ready when 7pm rolls around.
She was on call whenever I needed advice and checked in every morning to see how the night had gone. We saw results quickly and I was surprised how well our little one took to the new routine.
We no longer have evening ‘catch me’ games, wake ups throughout the night or a 3am early riser.
We cannot recommend Cat and Noah’s Nighttimes enough. For any parents looking to get your life, bed and sleep back – look no further.

Laura M

I remember the subject of sleep not even crossing my mind while being pregnant with Ivy. I was a nanny and childminder in the past and putting babies to sleep had been an easy task.
When Ivy was born I spent 3 nights in hospital and realised during my stay that something didn’t seem quite right. All the rest of the babies were sleeping quietly most of the time and were able to be put in their bassinets but Ivy was screaming all day and night unless she was on me and attached to my breast.
After many misdiagnoses, at 10 months the drs finally agreed that she had a cmpa dairy allergy. She used my breast for comfort when she was uncomfortable, which was all the time, and by then her need to co-sleep and to be attached to me was ingrained.
At 18 months I felt exhausted, overwhelmed, lost and missed sleeping next to my husband and in all honestly sometimes like I was going crazy.
I had considered sleep training but people had told me I would have to let her cry herself to sleep and that it was very stressful for baby and mum and I didn’t know if I had that in me.
I saw on instagram a friend of mine had employed a sleep trainer so I started following Noah’s nighttime’s to see what it was all about. I couldn’t believe it when Cat advertised a competition for sleep training which I won!!! I felt like it was the best gift I had ever received.
We had a teams meeting to talk about the process and I immediately felt at ease, Cat was really kind, compassionate and informative and I left our call feeling completely prepared and confident about starting.
We removed breast entirely at nighttime, which I thought would be the hardest part, there was a bit of crying but it was a lot easier for both of us than I had imagined and after a few days she had began to accept she had to wait until the morning. Cat was there to support us the whole journey and was contactable until quite late at night which was really comforting.
We started seeing results after only a few days and now Ivy is finally sleeping through the entire night, I can put her in her bed sleepy and she will go to sleep all by herself, it has been entirely life changing!
If you are experiencing any problems similar to me, I can recommend contacting Cat for a consultation. She is amazing and I couldn’t have done this without her 👼 Thank you Cat, from the bottom of my heart! Noah’s Nighttimes

Ashley H

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